The project

Application form Part 2: The project

In this second part of the application form, you will mainly be asked for information about the project, the content of the project and the financial requirements. If you cannot fill in all the information right away, save your information via the link at the bottom of this form. We will send you a link by e-mail with which you can continue where you left off at any time. If you have any questions about the application form, please contact us at

"*" indicates required fields


Project description

DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Category of project*

Budget specific to this project

Provide as much detail as possible about the cost items with a brief explanation. Indicate what the total costs are per cost item, what has already been financed and what the requested investment is per cost item.

Project sponsorship

A project becomes successful when someone truly feels responsible for it. This is one of the most important core values upheld by all VINCI companies. VINCI Nordic Foundation also applies this core value by successfully supporting projects with employees who take on the role of sponsor, committing themselves to the project’s purpose. What characterizes a sponsor? A sponsor is an employee of one of the VINCI companies in the Nordics who wants to dedicate themselves to a social organization that has a sustainable project which VINCI Nordic Foundation can support.
Name sponsor*
Name of co-sponsor (if applicable)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.